Where true prosperity comes from
Mar 09, 2022
I was noticing in nature a lot of mimics.
There’s a lot of look a-likes in nature as in the entrepreneurial world.
We need more creative entrepreneurs than competitive ones.
Our world was created predominantly by competitive. It’s LIMITED.
Everyone wins on the creative field. It’s LIMITLESS.
You can get rich in both but true wealth and prosperity is in the creative.
It is harder to be someone you’re not than who you already are.

But be careful who you let in.
Drama queens, energy vampires, one-sided relationships, criticisms, anger, competition.. the drain is real. Energy could be felt on social media. Watch what you read, scroll through and respond.
If you’re not having a system to manage the energy you pick up during the day, you’re collecting it and it’s affecting your energy AND HEALTH.
Protect your energy!