These 4 questions will help you decide
Mar 17, 2022
Are you struggling with a decision right now and can't decide?
I feel like we all are in these times!
We get bombarded with so many decisions every day.
A study of successful entrepreneurs said that their success is due to making quick decisions, not sitting on it or needing to meditate on in, but are decisive.
They all made decisions in a flash, even if they didn't know how the outcome was going to happen.
You're doing this all the time but what would happen if you did this consciously... to decide and release the how is it going to happen? It doesn't seem to make sense to go for it-- so the mind says that wants to keep you comfortable.
Decisiveness is the practice of these times as the world opened up and you literally could have anything you want. How scary and exciting.
But is it what you truly want?
Are you on the fence with a decision? Let me know!
I included some questions you can ask yourself when you want to be sure you're making them from love... from who you are and what you really want, rather than from outside influences of what people will think or say.
Which really is the same thing as making it from fear.
You cannot get it wrong though but being indecisive and comfortable when soul is giving you all signs to go, is degenerating energy to your body and soul.
It drains energy and accelerates energy because of the time and anxiousness around making the decision.
Ask yourself and I'll pose them in different ways:
- What do I really want?
- What do I want if all conditions were perfect for me to make this decision? That if money was not an option? That if everything was take cared of and I felt loved and safe? All of that is included in your making your decision.
- If I had everything I needed to make this decision based on what I want and nothing else because everything is provided for-- feeling loved, safe, financially supported, what would I just love to do or be?
- What would I love?
- What would love do?
I know it is often times scary but if it was too easy we wouldn't learn the lessons or grow into the potential that is available for us.
Anyway, I hope that supports you as you keep remembering your soul knows who you are, to want more, to be more and that is a wonderful thing.
What big decision are you making right now?
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