You Can Do Any Thing You Put Your Mind To
Mar 07, 2022There’s nothing really special about manifestation and magic. It is so beautifully natural to you. You can conjure anything you want if you understand how powerful you are. No matter the circumstances you’re in.
In fact, use the tension in your life, the difficulties and challenges to arouse your desires. Though not required, it’s easier to get into that place rather than in moments of comfort.
Because you decided now it’s urgent. Now you’re present with the problem.
Then shut the naysayers out while you get your footing. Meaning keep your desires sacred to yourself like an incubation period until you feel strong to share the energy of it and let it build energetic momentum.
Have faith. Once you lock it in, you've already got it. Faith is the glue from the thought or idea to getting it to materialize. Faith is required.
Receiving is too. As oddly as this sounds, sometimes we don't receive it for many reasons maybe we don't notice that we got it, that we don't feel worthy of it or someone in our life so we self-sabotage for example. It could be many reasons but RECEIVE IT, you wanted it and it has come into your experience.
You made it happen.
You go do your part..
Then poof
!! It's in material form.

You acknowledge receiving it, kind of like a receipt and you say thank you, show appreciation when it comes.
I believe in you. You always had the power in you.
You can do anything you put your mind to.