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Maria Carbonell

Feminine Soul Power

New Podcast: Episode #1 Fresh Start with the Feminine soulplay podcast Mar 09, 2022

Welcome to my new show, Soul Play! 


It’s free to listen 


- what to do to open your year with grace, love and fearlessness (exercise is toward the end) 

- why the feminine medicine gets to take lead now 

- the qualities of the divine feminine to cultivate...

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New Podcast Episode: Your Soul Purpose soulplay podcast Mar 09, 2022

Soul Play Podcast, is my new show for the soul fired up entrepreneur who wants to make a lifestyle from being you and getting paid dearly for it. 

The more you become you, riches will be endless. Prosperity will flow and you will learn to create more from this creative field of untapped...

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New Episode on SoulPLay Podcast: Facing Fear soulplay podcast Mar 09, 2022


It's a big topic. Fear could be so confining. 

Today's episode is worth a listen, Episode #3

How to Face Fear & Do it Any Way 

- What fear really is

- Why we get paralyzed by fear 

- The secret to using fear to set your soul free

- Using fear to express the fullness of...

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New Podcast Episode #4 is my riff on Holy Rage soulplay podcast Mar 09, 2022

It's out and HOT! Episode #4 is my riff on Holy Rage, an essential emotion that gets us to face our true strength.

It's also the emotion that is healthy to come out from a place of love after something or someone has broken our hearts and enraged us.

Those with low fire is being asked to get...

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Take your Pleasure Meds: new SoulPLAY Episode lifestyle medicine pleasure soulplay podcast Mar 08, 2022

Another episode released, on taking pleasure meds and being intentional about releasing the cocktail of healing hormones for our health and happiness. 

So much meds inside of us being underutilized. Pleasure is the ultimate lifestyle medicine you get to explore and discover in this...

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Play is your Superpower, new episode of Soul Play, my new podcast soulplay podcast Mar 08, 2022
This podcast even though touches on hard subjects like courage, self-doubt, holy rage, our soul wants to play, express and play that will know that we are all not alone in our moments of doubts, indecision, frustration and loss. 
I hope this podcast brings some light, understanding...
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