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Episode #1: Fresh Start with the FEMININE

Season #1

You get a fresh start when you deem it to be, not requiring a date on the calendar, which means every day is a  refresh to start new. That's the tone and mindset I am feeling for all the feminine warriors slaying untruths.

Today is the beginning of a fresh start for Soul Play, a new podcast devoted to women on the rise building their love-based empires. We create and build differently. We knew that and now we're hitting refresh. You're here because you're ready to play by new rules to create a life and business that reflects all of who you are and meant for. Maria wants you to know your feminine is your super power and love is the highest octane fuel for your feminine led life.

Making space for fresh, requires 

  • Forgiving people in your life and especially yourself
  • Having compassion for yourself and letting go of last year. It is done and the energy is complete.
  • Literally letting go of things and people who don't have your best interest. 

Stay blessed.