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Episode #5 Play is your Super POWER

Season #1

Your soul loves to play. 

There's always room in our lives to lighten up. I know for me and I love to play but the past few years have given us great challenges. Here's some perspective on play as your spiritual power. It's part of my daily practice. I move my body in a way that feels expansive, free and play.. yes it could be super sensual!

Play reminds us there is wisdom in being spontaneous, being lighter on ourselves. It moves the excessive thoughts back to the heart. It leads us back to who we are. 

I'm not happy when I ignore the nudges to stop what I'm doing when I'm frustrated with something I've been working on. It means I'm pushing on when it's more productive for me to step away and play.

Play could mean turning up the music, dance, get into the garden, play with your pet or kids, go for a drive. 

It is so liberating to be childlike and be playful.

Ideas flow when you're relaxed, in play and in flow. You can write a whole course in play. Take a listen!

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