Flourish is where all teachings, practices and coaching will take place for soul, heart and body health education.
Your breakthroughs happens when you combine spiritual with the physical. In this Holy Health Program see your body as a temple of the holy spirit integrating holistic methods.
Awaken your libido for life and connect home to your Self.
This is a learn as you practice and develop, experience membership. Maria teaches a weekly class based on a theme. Right now classes are not available outside of Flourish.
As you flourish you will have ongoing support to know what you're feeling is always navigating you back to align to love. You won't feel alone, lost in what to do, when and how, initially as the wisdom in you gets awakened and activated.
Beautiful Soul are you ready to..
Create Forward Momentum from all the Healing Work You've Done and nourish your body and soul with nutrition, plant medicine and ancient wisdom that brings you back alive to your true nature?
Embrace and elevate your intrinsic value and worth so you have the clarity and courage to live your hearts desires?
To arouse your sensuality and sexual nature awake for creative power and pleasure?
Liberate and resurrect your soul from suppression in your body to expression in your life?
Discover your radiant beauty and magnetism?
If you answered YES, then this membership is for you.
Some of the side effects of removing the physical, mental clutter and distorted energy:
- increased immunity
- self-belief restored
- better digestive power
- stronger nerve power
- better skin
- better mental outlook
- greater inner peace
- more natural energy
- increased libido
- better sleep
- ability to navigate transitions with grace

Core Teachings through the Year:
- Hormonal Health
- Sexual Health
- Heart Health
- Digestion & Immunity
- Intuitive Development
- Sleep Health
- Mental Well-Being
- Spirituality Everyday
- Plant Medicine
- Longevity
- Ageless Beauty
Soften and open your heart and receive all the good.
Embracing the sacred connection between our physical and spiritual selves, we unlock what I have decided to call holy health.
your breakthroughs happen when you combine spiritual with the physical
The temple symbolizes a sacred place where you reconnect to yourself with weekly teachings on spirituality and holistic health.
As a member you receive all the courses in the digital course collective to access any time to complement your journey back home to yourself
Weekly teachings on various topics as hormonal health, chronic fatigue, menopause stages and our changing bodies, longevity, our unique metabolic type and most of all staying supple and juicy through the cultivation of ojas, a form of spiritual energy you generate through diet, lifestyle and spiritual practices.
You also get immersed in plant medicine for everyday, using aromatics and herbal aphrodisiacs, and edible flowers. Your senses get reawakened.
✔️ Monthly Book Club, June is St Hildegard of Bingen;s Medicine (available on Amazon)
Maria Carbonell
My journey to opening to the divine feminine has been my healing path.
I was so out of alignment with my own feminine that I experienced the pain of fibromyalgia, toxic relationships and NDE to wake me up.
At the very heart of it as a professional healer, I had imposter syndrome and lacking any self-worth to charge for natural healing, gifts placed in my heart. I fought with a world that saw only extrinsic value and fought for myself for the intrinsic value of being me.
Along my path, plants and ancestors have been my biggest allies.
I have enjoyed a purposeful professional career before I discovered my true calling but even before then I volunteered at the Women's Center in Washington, DC and marched at rallies on the promoting women's rights as a 20 yr old with a lot of fire burning in me.
I came into the healing path starting with Reiki then spending several years deeply studying Ayurveda mapping the body of illness. I realized this was feminine medicine, a holistic way of tuning in to our bodies that is always communicating to us and navigating us to love.
As an entrepreneur, I started an online store curator of home spa products, became an Incubator leader for women creating businesses as a lifestyle. I opened Sama Ayurveda Spa & Healing because of my deep desire to share what has been life changing for me.. and found my way through beauty & spirituality.
Plants started introducing themselves to me and I went on to study with the late Eliot Cowan in plant spirit medicine and east/west herbalism and aromatherapy.
When all I wanted to do was live a quiet introverted life in the mountains in my garden, I found myself surrounded by women asking for more and leading the way for the divine feminine to heal our own lives and the world. I ran women's power to heal retreats in the mountains and coast.
This expression has been and continues to be my personal liberation.
Nurturing and activating the feminine energy within was the missing piece of women who came to work with me. They didn't have language for it. They sought it out in pain, hardships, struggle, tears and beauty a universal love language.
I am grateful to all the rebel mystics, saints, and goddesses who led the way.. and women and men before me who gave language to where we are now in ushering the divine feminine into a new era. It's happening. These are exciting times but also with any growth comes challenges. Calibrate internally and you will flourish and shine. You will do great things if not already, with your power and the purpose that was placed in your heart.
I invite you to join me in Flourish.
Love, Maria🌹