How turned on are you to your life?


 ๐Ÿ’– the way you're connected to the natural world, playfully barefoot on the grass, communing with plants, adopting a sweet rhythm with nature's cycles



 ๐Ÿ’– being present and surrendered to the moment, appreciating the beauty around you



 ๐Ÿ’– confidence in the way you exude a natural radiance from a divinely expressed feminine




For too long we've been separated from our luscious bodies, having ideals of beauty that were drowning our self-esteem as we struggled and strived for the perfect body and image; so perfect never comes like a dangling carrot


HEALTH-CARE FOR THE FEMININE SOUL is about your libido for life and sexual radiance.



In Joy of Sensual Living you'll activate a wisdom in you that unlocks your sensual radiance


- by stoking your metabolic fire

- by regulating your energy based on different energetic types

- bringing your body back to balance after a period of imbalance and lackluster living 

by nurturing your feminine nature

-  by regulating your breathe for sexual vitality

- by learning movements that release your sexual energy and pleasure 

-  also receive a food guide, aromas, herbs, nutrients and aphrodisiacs for sexual vitality and libido for life



Sensuality, Vitality,ย Sexuality, Make Love with Your Life

Sexual Radiance


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Woman's Sexual Vitality

vitality, sexual health, sensual radiance | whole health care for the modern woman


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Ayurveda is having its revival in our modern lifestyle for years now. It is the divine feminine energy medicine of our time that will bring you healing, a focused practice and freedom to be yourself and love who you are. It is love-based medicine that opens all your senses, purifies your heart and mind, and connects you to your very essence as a divine feminine. 

Maria Carbonell

Maria Carbonell is the former therapist and owner of Sama Ayurveda Spa & Healing Studio in Santa Barbara, CA. Ever since her 20's she's always taken a stand for a woman's power to heal and transform her trauma and pain to a life of meaning and purpose. Her passion is in empowering men and women towards their innate healing abilities, to be resilient in fighting to be true to themselves, to get excited about living and the future while being here and now where joy lives. 

She is a certified aroma therapist, plant spirit medicine practitioner, mystic gardener, certified reiki practitioner and massage therapist and Ayurvedic therapist. She is leading the way for the divine feminine activating in our lives to raise the vibes of beauty, truth and love.